Westman Border Fastball Museum
The Westman Border Fastball Museum is now open to the public to view the many gems of history within its walls.
The Westman Border Fastball Museum Inc. formed to preserve local fastball history, it is a collection of items that sports enthusiasts have gathered to preserve the rich fastball history that has taken place over the last 90 years. 130 teams who played border fastball between Manitoba and Saskatchewan included on the museum’s list of names. The museum is a collection of Memorabilia from fastball teams that have played at Asessippi Beach & Campground and surrounding communities over the years.
If you would like to book a tour of the museum you can call Daryl Nernberg at 1-204-773-3014 or Larry Nernberg at 1-306-745-3396. You can also just drop in at the campground and stop at the concession and we can help you out. You can also call Karen Goraluk at 204-773-6797.
The West-Man Border Fastball Museum (WBFM) is located 20 KMs north of Russell, MB off on the east side of Highway 83 at Asessippi Beach & Campground.